Polypropylene is the polymer material that make up the majority of hernia and pelvic meshes even though there are known problems with the material.
In this Mesh News Desk podcast, Dr. Donald Ostergard talks about how to find a doctor to do pure tissue repair rather than use polypropylene mesh, tests, and treatments for SUI.
Women today diagnosed with incontinence will likely be presented with a mesh option. She needs to understand the difference between a TOT and TVT pelvic mesh so she can make an informed choice.
A long time friend discovered high-quality CBD oil calmed her overactive, inflamed bladder problems.
Johnson & Johnson will stop selling its talcum-based Baby Powder in North America and Canada due to allegations and lawsuits over its asbestos contamination.
Besides transvaginal and hernia mesh, a number of other implantable medical devices such as a male sling system is also showing problems for patients.
Twelve years after a portrait was removed from the University of Alabama, the so-called father of gynecology, a statute of J. Marion Sims who experimented on black women, is removed from Central Park.
In some mesh-implanted patients, an autoimmune response is incited. There are far too many cases to be...
Not surprisingly, Boston Scientific is reacting negatively to the story that 60 Minutes aired last night questioning whether the company sourced counterfeit polypropylene from China.
AUGS recently became aware that, on Sunday, May 13th, "60 Minutes" will be airing a segment on mesh injuries. The president of AUGS made sure surgeons knew how to address anxiety from patients.
Dr. Vladimir Iakovlev is a pathologist who has studied more than 500 explanted polypropylene and bovine/ porcine meshes for hernia and pelvic repair. Scar tissue shrinks mesh. Infections can be fatal.
Dr. Robert Bendavid, Shouldice Hospital, Toronto Mesh Medical Device News Desk, September 2017 ~ Dr. Robert Bendavid is a leading hernia surgeon wit…
What are we learning about Informed Consent? Almost all medical bodies agree informed consent is important for the doctor and patient. What did women NOT hear about pelvic mesh before their implant.
Wealth and Status, Reputation/Ego listed as Key Values for doctors using an Ethicon/ Gynecare TVT polypropylene pelvic mesh by the manufacturer to push its products in Australia.
The polypropylene resin material that is used to make mesh used to make hernia and pelvic mesh is not supposed to be implanted in the body, according to a safety sheet with the raw material.
The president of the American Urogynecologic Society admits some doctors are not up to speed before urogynecologists attending the annual AUGS meeting, while he also denigrates the anti-mesh movement.
There was much anticipation about the Thursday afternoon "Mesh on Trial" at the AUGS annual meeting. This would be the first time the group has had a session on litigation during its annual conference
Your editor attended the October 2016 AUGS meeting in Denver and was eventually asked to leave after a series of stories published on MND which were not PR.
Woman in stirrups in demo booth Mesh Medical Device News Desk, October 4, 2016 ~ The American Urogynecologic Society's 2016 PFDWeek (pelvic floor disorders) focused on pelvic mesh and litigation.
This story originally ran last March 2016, but it is appropriate as the organization, the American Urogynecologic Society begins its annual conference this week in Denver.
Consumers injured by pelvic mesh may want to reach out to the medical group with a specialty in female urology which said it was interested in learning more about patient experiences with treatments.
Questions have been raised by readers - Is my doctor receiving funds from the industry that makes the mesh or medical devices he or she is using?
What is informed consent? Is it the information you need, both good and bad, to make a truly informed decision, or is it what you need to know based on the doctor's opinion only?
Kathleen, not her real name, suggests to Mesh Medical Device News Desk readers what you should ask the doctor before you have your pelvic mesh removed.
Dr. Greg Vigna, MD, JD, is both a doctor and a lawyer who is directing his expertise as a traumatic injury specialist now to pelvic mesh injuries, specifically nerve injuries.
AUGUST 25, 2011 - Synthetic surgical mesh is implanted into women for the treatment of pelvic organ prolapse and incontinence and now Public Citizen …
Judge Joseph Goodwin was dwarfed by enormity of the cavernous federal courtroom on the 13th floor of the Wilkie Ferguson courthouse in downtown Miami....
MAM rally in Charleston WV Mesh News Desk, June 2, 2015 ~ A rally by mesh-injured women gathered in Charleston, West Virginia today as lawyers from ...