A woman asks Mesh News Desk what happened to her defective pelvic mesh lawsuit against Caldera Medical?
All Thomas Wolowitz wanted was to ask questions and get answers. Instead, he ended up in the system of hernia mesh complication hell.
Vladae Roytapel is known as the, Russian Dog Wizard, from Newport Beach, California. Voted Best Dog Trainer in his area for many years, he was at a loss as to how to address his hernia.
The anonymous "Still Standing" has helped many of you with her insight into the legal process. Now she needs your help.
The following article from May 2016 is from the husband of a mesh-injured woman. Often husbands are overlooked for the impact a polypropylene implant has on their lives too. Many opt to leave.
The following campaign is initiated by "Judy" a mesh injured woman who is involved in litigation and cannot be identified. She has researched all of …
I recently was asked how I started with mesh as a topic for reporting. I'm not mesh-injured myself. The reader wanted to know if I had a family member...
Even though the Food and Drug Administration began taking in mesh-related complaints in early 2000, nine years later the agency decided mesh to treat prolapse is not safe or effective and banned it.
February 7, 2012 ~ Breaking News! Within the hour the Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation (MDL) ruled that three pending and separate MDL ac...
A long time friend discovered high-quality CBD oil calmed her overactive, inflamed bladder problems.