Polypropylene is the polymer material that make up the majority of hernia and pelvic meshes even though there are known problems with the material.
In this Mesh News Desk podcast, Dr. Donald Ostergard talks about how to find a doctor to do pure tissue repair rather than use polypropylene mesh, tests, and treatments for SUI.
Women today diagnosed with incontinence will likely be presented with a mesh option. She needs to understand the difference between a TOT and TVT pelvic mesh so she can make an informed choice.
A long time friend discovered high-quality CBD oil calmed her overactive, inflamed bladder problems.
Johnson & Johnson will stop selling its talcum-based Baby Powder in North America and Canada due to allegations and lawsuits over its asbestos contamination.
Mesh Medical Device News Desk No matter what stage you are in your journey with polypropylene (PP) pelvic and hernia mesh, this free e-book is a val…
Versalius drawing - Medical Misconceptions have existed for 400 years. Why have they not been corrected, especially as they pertain to the female pelvis?
Do you get colds, viruses, and the flu during the winter months? Ever wonder why? The solution may be as simple as the degree of humidity in your home.
Noni Wideman has compiled what we know about the Links Between Surgical Mesh Complications and the Development of Autoimmune Disease. Thank you Noni!
Monique Sanders is a prolapse expert who turned to natural remedies to resolve her own problems. She turned to natural remedies and shares what you might ask your doctor who suggests mesh or surgery.
You are not the patient, you are the physician, is the mantra of an education program promoted by the Whole Woman program, created by RN Christine Kent
For women newly diagnosed with incontinence, what are your options if you do not want to go the mesh route? Questions to ask your doctor.
The Minneapolis Star Tribune report that newly implanted pelvic mesh women were sold on a mesh implant by doctors who said it was "new mesh."
By Dr. Una Lee, MD, of Virginia Mason Hospital and Medical Center, Bellevue, Washington State reports on the non-mesh alternatives to mesh which your doctor may not tell you about.
Even though the Food and Drug Administration began taking in mesh-related complaints in early 2000, nine years later the agency decided mesh to treat prolapse is not safe or effective and banned it.
Neurological Injuries: Path More Certain. Sponsored Content. Dr. Greg Vigna, JD, talks about his continued focus on pelvic mesh injuries with a neurological component.
Vladae Roytapel is known as the, Russian Dog Wizard, from Newport Beach, California. Voted Best Dog Trainer in his area for many years, he was at a loss as to how to address his hernia.
Dr. Greg Vigna, MD, JD report that Boston Scientific is seeking the FDA approval of its mesh using the 522 orders which are an FDA-ordered review of complications.
The BBC reports on a doctor who blew the whistle on an influential Scottish gynecologist for failing to disclose financial conflicts of interest with a major mesh maker.
The American Urogynecologic Society still promotes the mid-urethral sling as an option for women experiencing incontinence and wants to keep it that way despite a lawsuit by Washington AG against JNJ.
It may not come as a surprise to the many readers of Mesh News Desk (MND) who have been implanted with pelvic mesh, but a study finds many in declining mental health, even suicides.
What facility did Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) choose when he had to have a hernia operation? Hint- It's not in the U.S.
This YouTube video is produced by Dr. Greg Vigna and Dr. Michael Hibner highlights why so many women with pelvic mesh implants also have corresponding nerve injury.
Expert Panels often decide to approve drugs and devices, but how objective are the panelists when they have financial arrangements with those they are regulating?
After a conversation with someone familiar with medical devices, she thought mesh was off the market. It is not and is still used as a first-line treatment for incontinence, despite the problems.
January 31, 2013 ~ Quite simply put the reason we are here at Mesh Medical Device News Desk (MDND) is to put a face on the many injured by largely FDA unregulated medical devices.
Mesh News Desk, August 29, 2016 ~ This unnamed patient advocate reports to Mesh News Desk on the condition of a mesh implanted woman who is fighting ...
November 6 2017 Patricia Blockus Et al vs Ethicon Women’s Health and Urology. Blockus is from Hunlock Creek, Pennsylvania where she lives with her hus...
Mesh Medical Device News Desk, September 16, 2017 ~ In the last two weeks, your editor has heard from six or more journalists, who want to know more a...