The three-week trial of Jennifer Snowden concluded with a jury win for Ethicon over her Abbrevo transvaginal mesh. She vows to continue the fight for other women.
New Jersey Superior Court will be the venue for an upcoming number of hernia mesh trials focused on the LifeCell Strattice biologic mesh. This is the first trial of a biologic mesh made of pig skin.
Breaking News - a Verdict has just been reached for Paul Trevino who claims injuries from his Bard/Davol Ventralex mesh. Jurors decided on $4.8 Million in compensatory damages.
The Paul Trevino trial is the first among thousands to be heard in Rhode Island state court and will be closely watched by the hernia mesh industry.
The nine-day trial of Tina Burris v Johnson & Johnson ended with a defendant win after jurors decided the company had issued adequate warnings about the risks of Prolift.
Friday, April 13, 2018 became somewhat of a lucky day for mesh injured plaintiff, Mary McGinnis in her product liability case against C.R. Bard. $35 million in punitive damages was added to $33 mill..
The four-week trial of Mary McGinnis, implanted with two CR Bard pelvic meshes, ended Thursday afternoon with a compensatory award of $33 million.
In one of the first pelvic mesh cases filed, an Indiana mesh-injured woman finally had her day in court. The jury awarded her $35 million in damages, $25 million of it was punitive, to punish JNJ.
Ethicon challenged the latest pelvic mesh verdict of $15 million jurors delivered to Elizabeth Hrymoc and her husband in a 2017 New Jersey trial.
During the opening day of the Elizabeth Hrymoc v. Ethicon defective product trial, her lawyer said the Prolift mesh was a "stupid idea", and others agree.
Mesh Medical Device News Desk (MND) keeps tabs on the number of trials that have been heard so far in the pelvic mesh MDL and elsewhere.
It's been more than a year since it was notified, but now the U.S. Food and Drug Administration says it has no problem with Boston Scientific sourcing polypropylene for mesh from Chinese smugglers.
Ella Ebaugh recently survived a grueling five-week trial against Johnson & Johnson over complications from two pelvic mesh implants. She was awarded $57 million.
Elizabeth Burch, Professor U GA Law School is interviewed by MND editor, Jane Akre on how the multidistrict litigation system is working for the plaintiffs in the pelvic mesh MDL.
The polypropylene resin material that is used to make mesh used to make hernia and pelvic mesh is not supposed to be implanted in the body, according to a safety sheet with the raw material.
This story originally ran November 24, 2015, and details the ugly underbelly of the business side of law. The story arises from a lawsuit filed by an insider whose job it was to amass lawsuits.
Johnson & Johnson appealed Linda Gross $11.1 Million jury award in her New Jersey trial against the healthcare giant. The NJ Supreme Court has rejected the recent challenge.
This story first appeared in October 2016 but deserves another look. What might you owe after your product liability case has settled or after you have received a jury award?
It's been rescheduled at least five times before, the case of Edwards v. Ethicon has been rescheduled again from its court date in Charleston, WV.
MND, September 23, 2015, ~ Wednesday was day three of the Cavness v Ethicon (Cavness v. Kowalczyk et al) trial heard in Dallas. An expert in the FDA took the stand saying JNJ violated its own credo.
Ms. Joan Budke, age 77, died in August 2009. The official cause of death was a pulmonary mass, with a secondary cause of infection caused by her pelvic mesh.
Obtryx II Mesh Medical Device News Desk, September 8, 2014 ~ A Dallas jury has returned a verdict in excess of $73.465 million for Martha Salazar in ...
Editor of MND, Jane Akre, offers this coverage as a service to the thousands of women who are mesh-injured and want information on the proceedings, in this case, the first mesh trial for TVT.
What are tolling agreements, part of multidistrict litigation? Contributor Aaron Leigh Horton breaks it down.
2014 should be a very busy year for transvaginal and incontinence mesh lawsuits, if Judge Joseph Goodwin's schedule is any indication.
Sling the Mesh campaign logo Mesh Medical Device News Desk, July 17, 2017 ~ Car Crash in the Pelvis - that's how mesh campaigners are describing inju…
Mesh Medical Device News Desk, July 21, 2016 ~ It's been a very long time since there was a pelvic mesh product liability trial in New Jersey. The fir...
The Minneapolis Star Tribune report that newly implanted pelvic mesh women were sold on a mesh implant by doctors who said it was "new mesh."
February 14, 2012 ~ Where's the Plan? On January 3, 2012, the FDA sent out copies of a 522 order to 33 manufacturers of synthetic surgical mesh for pe…