Drs. Amy Reed and Hooman Noorchashm put a public face on the failures of the U.S. Food and Drug Administrations lacking oversight over medical devices, until she lost her life due to a morecellation.
Months after the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warned a medical device could spread deadly uterine cancers, many hospitals and doctors are still using them.
Two days before an advisory panel was gathered to look at the controversial medical device called a morcellator, a gynecologist stepped down due to conflict of interest.
Dr. Amy Reed was scheduled to undergo a common surgery to remove fibroids. Little did her doctor know hidden cancer would be released by the medical device, which eventually killed her.
Where Facts are Few, Experts are Many: The rise of synthetic mesh for the treatment of stress incontinence during an era of bad science.- Amy Gezon …
JANUARY 9, 2012 ~ The following is a list of the companies who received the letters from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) January 3, 2012, requ…
A woman who prefers to remain anonymous has a list of questions to consider. Doctors are invited to weigh in on the medical questions. Lawyers ditto!…
If you were injured by pelvic mesh and have received or are waiting for a settlement, your lawyer does NOT want you to know that there is nothing in the litigation that specifies the plaintiff pays.