Polypropylene is the polymer material that make up the majority of hernia and pelvic meshes even though there are known problems with the material.
Women today diagnosed with incontinence will likely be presented with a mesh option. She needs to understand the difference between a TOT and TVT pelvic mesh so she can make an informed choice.
Reports on the Essure birth control device are still being gathered by the FDA even though the device was taken off the market in late 2018. Essure was another questionable device marketed to women.
Mesh Medical Device News Desk No matter what stage you are in your journey with polypropylene (PP) pelvic and hernia mesh, this free e-book is a val…
Monique Sanders is a prolapse expert who turned to natural remedies to resolve her own problems. She turned to natural remedies and shares what you might ask your doctor who suggests mesh or surgery.
You are not the patient, you are the physician, is the mantra of an education program promoted by the Whole Woman program, created by RN Christine Kent
When women were injured by the birth control device Essure, they became the driving force behind the removal of the controversial device from the market.
Members of the Mesh Awareness Movement (MAM) are featured in the new documentary, The Bleeding Edge, which premiered in NYC in April 2018, highlighting women's medical devices that harm.
Dr. Vladimir Iakovlev is a pathologist who has studied more than 500 explanted polypropylene and bovine/ porcine meshes for hernia and pelvic repair. Scar tissue shrinks mesh. Infections can be fatal.
Dr. Robert Bendavid, Shouldice Clinic, Toronto, flew to London to participate in the Parliamentary debate initiated by the patient group, Sling the Mesh.
Dr. Robert Bendavid, Shouldice Hospital, Toronto Mesh Medical Device News Desk, September 2017 ~ Dr. Robert Bendavid is a leading hernia surgeon wit…
What the heck is polypropylene? It's the polymer plastic that makes up many medical devices. But is it biocompatible?
When Money Mixes with Medicine, Industry Influences get a Foothold with the FDA due to financial influences.
Breast Implants, particularly textured variety, have been linked to biofilm and small cell lymphoma.
Failed Pelvic Mesh to be Used to Lift Breasts According to its patent application filed by one of the founding fathers of pelvic mesh.
Using Plastic for Permanent Implants may not have been the most biocompatible choice of industry, especially when you consider a lifetime of contact with bodily fluids.
Public Citizen is going back in time 25 years to look at the big picture of penalties Big Pharma has paid for violating consumer protection laws - $35.7 billion.
Fantastic researcher and friend, Suzanne McClain has always been the most competent person in digging through the U.S. Food and Drug data on the origins of mesh.
Johnson & Johnson was supposed to be holding thousands of pages of documents in preparation for defective mesh trials, instead, the documents disappeared, destroyed by the company. Was it intentional?
The following was sent from a consultancy group, Frost & Sullivan. An analyst says more work is needed to determine if polypropylene is safe for human implantation.
Polypropylene (PP) mesh September 28, 2012 ~ The following was sent from a consultancy group, Frost & Sullivan. Chemical, Materials and Research Ana…
The front-page headlines in Europe concern substandard and defective breast implants made by the French company Poly Implants Protheses (PIP), made with machine grade silicone.
Mesh Medical Device News Desk, January 2, 2017 ~ Many of you already know how to look up your pelvic mesh case filed in federal cour...
May 23, 2013 ~ Buried inside some rather routine motions filed in the upcoming federal lawsuits filed in federal court in Charleston, West Virginia ar…
Tad and Elizabth Hrymoc, from NorthJersey.com Mesh Medical Device News Desk, December 12, 2017 ~ The pelvic mesh trial of plaintiff Elizabeth Hyrmoc…
Surgical tools, FDA Mesh Medical Device News Desk, January 16, 2017~ Pelvic mesh tools used to place and affix transvaginal mesh had been a low-risk …