Jan Urban has been reaching out online to other mesh-injured women for a decade trying to raise awareness about mesh injuries.
Mesh Medical Device News Desk No matter what stage you are in your journey with polypropylene (PP) pelvic and hernia mesh, this free e-book is a val…
Mesh Medical Device News Desk, March 3, 2020~ This is just the beginning of compensation being offered to thousands of Australian women implanted per…
The Minneapolis Star Tribune report that newly implanted pelvic mesh women were sold on a mesh implant by doctors who said it was "new mesh."
Mesh Medical Device News Desk, May 1, 2019 ~ May first is the Worldwide Mesh Awareness Day, a term coined by the Mesh Awareness Movement, though recog…
It may not come as a surprise to the many readers of Mesh News Desk (MND) who have been implanted with pelvic mesh, but a study finds many in declining mental health, even suicides.
Nancy Gretzinger, Author, Educator, Patient Advocate, mesh victim turned to writing and advocacy to deal with her mesh injury.
The last years of her life were spent educating and sharing on social media, sharing the life she had before her pelvic mesh implant failure.
Bruce Rosenberg and '64 LeMans convertible MND, Jan. 6, 2014 ~ Transvaginal mesh has been used in women to shore up pelvic organs since the late 1990...
A woman, known to Mesh News Desk (MND) but who wishes to remain anonymous, has some advice to share about combating pain and injury from a pelvic mesh.
*Editors Note * Amy Gezon allowed me to reprint this story that appeared in Yahoo News. I met Amy at the FDA hearing on mesh in September 2011 and we've been friends ever since. She survived mesh.
Rancher, Canadian Nonie Wideman might be considered one of those angels on earth who pays it forward by taking into her home kids with all sorts of special needs. Now she's advocating for mesh injured
Stage 2 Ovarian Cancer Mesh Medical Device News Desk, July 8, 2016 ~ Talcum Powder & Ovarian Cancer - Is there a link? Juries think so. Just how mu...
Macrophages at work, Stonybrook Medicine Early this week, defense attorneys for Johnson & Johnson and its medical device division, Ethicon, questione...
Today’s story from the BBC shows women in Scotland implanted with pelvic mesh are making front page news and making headway in their fight to raise aw…