There have been so many reports of complications concerning Paragard IUD, including 15 deaths, that a new MDL is forming in Georgia to take cases to trial.
Reports on the Essure birth control device are still being gathered by the FDA even though the device was taken off the market in late 2018. Essure was another questionable device marketed to women.
When women were injured by the birth control device Essure, they became the driving force behind the removal of the controversial device from the market.
Members of the Mesh Awareness Movement (MAM) are featured in the new documentary, The Bleeding Edge, which premiered in NYC in April 2018, highlighting women's medical devices that harm.
Mesh News Desk, October 5, 2015 ~ In its second day of deliberations, the 12-member jury in Cavness v. Kowalczyk (et al., case # DC-14-04220) decided …
Wikimedia Commons, Jurors What lies ahead for the jurors in the Linda Gross v. Ethicon case which concluded February 28, 2013? While final instructi...
April 23, 2014 ~ Huffington Post Live today interviewed Estelle Tasz and Jane Akre about our unprecedented appearance at the Johnson & Johnson shareho...
Dr. Dennis Miller, urogynecologist Mesh News Desk thanks the many donors and Herman Gerel Law and Saunders & Walker for their contributions to this c...