Remember the Stories of Anger series from a couple of years ago? Read it here.
Women were speaking out and expressing their frustration with the medical system, their anger at the Food and Drug Administration and of course, their disgust with pelvic mesh manufacturers.
The following are some of their quotes.
I am now looking for a few quotes that are attributed that can be added to a White Paper about the history of J&J that is going to financial analysts who will be discussing J&J and its financial future this month. These are the guys that advise the industry and your words will be heard!
You do NOT have to be implanted with J&J mesh... since it is all polypropylene.
They should be heart felt, personal and you should be able to have your name added, just your name. The paper could eventually go to members of Congress as well so you must be comfortable with you name being public. The first five attributable quotes will be used. Here are some examples.
Thank you.
See if these expressions sound like something you might say. In fact if you said them, let me know!!
“You actually start to think that maybe
you are going crazy. You start to lose
hope that you will ever get better.”
Anonymous Mesh Survivor
“I was living, not day by day, or even hour to hour,
but many times, moment by moment.”
Anonymous Mesh Survivor
"A tampon made of steel wool
inserted permanently."
Anonymous Mesh Survivor
"It triggers a fiery pain in nerves randomly
all over your body."
Anonymous Mesh Survivor
“It is just so unbelievable that a “minor problem”
outpatient procedure that is minimally invasive causes life
changing results. I know my life as I knew is gone.”
Anonymous Mesh Survivor