We the People Petition: Put a stop to the use of TVT Slings

Jane Akre
January 14, 2014
We the people  petition

TVT-NO has started a petition but you have to act Fast!!

The petition asks you to sign on if you want to stop the use of the TVT Slings until they can be proven safe which would include a review of the chemical components they are made of. It will go to the White House but ONLY if enough signatures are collected.

99,941 signature are needed by February 10, 2014. At this writing there are 59 signatures!

Here is the Petition under We The People! Just click and sign!!!


Most of you know that polypropylene is generally used to make mesh, that is a petroleum-based plastic that many experts have warned is not biocompatible, especially when you consider the treatment it receives.

The Petition says: "The use of TVT Slings and Surgical Mesh are inhuman and ruining the lives of entire families. These products were put on the market without proper testing and are dangerous in many ways. First off the chemical make up of the mesh is toxic to the human body. There are many studies to back this in fact the EPA has banned it from being used in fish tanks so what makes it OK to implant it into the human body? The Mesh is sharp, it shrinks, the chemicals in it are poison. The FDA has put out several warnings but its still being used. and ruining more lives daily. We need our government to act responsibly and step in where the FDA and Pharmaceutical companies have failed us and put the dollar ahead of peoples lives. We at TVTNO.org have been begging and pleading for several years."

We the people peitition number 2
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