Hello February~
Those of you who are socked in with winter, I’m sorry. When it hits 60 degrees in Florida, we complain and have a cup of hot tea. But spring lies ahead and so does movement in this Mesh Mess.
Mesh News Desk (MND or MMDND) has been covering the issues surrounding pelvic and hernia mesh for nearly four years now. If you are new to the issues surrounding the controversy, please visit the search bar or click on the topics. You will find a world of coverage. You may want to start with Resources and our Facebook page.
Charleston, WV federal courthouse
There are 72,000 lawsuits filed now in Charleston West Virginia, consolidated in multidistrict litigation. This is not an issue made up of hysterical women and men, but real human life stories that deserve to be told.
Settlements Ahead
This spring, settlements are on the horizon, even from Johnson & Johnson, generally considered the last hold-out among the seven manufacturers. At this writing, J&J is gathering medical records from many of you. Don’t be surprised if they check into your past to determine if you have preexisting conditions or mental disorders to lower the value of your case.
Given that it will never be enough to undo the harm done, let’s look at the numbers. A $70 billion a year company (J&J for example) that spends $57 million a day on advertising – calculate that your law firm will take about 40% of your tally - what number makes sense for you? It’s time to start imagining.
J&J vows not the settle. Until they do.
Changes Ahead
MND changes are on the horizon. Your editor just visited the Picasso/Dali exhibit in St. Petersburg and was struck by a quote from Picasso,
“Painting is not done to decorate apartments; it is an instrument of war against brutality and darkness.”
He was referring to the Spanish Civil War and his own painting, Guernica, but coincidentally, art is making its way to this website.
Courtesy, Jade R.
Many mesh-injured have expressed their devastation through art which you will see on these pages and in the weekly newsletter. (Please sign up on the first page- right hand column.) The personal devastation could be equated to war on an individual's soul through their body - a most personal and devastating life-altering horror. In light of the horrific Charlie Hedbo terrorism, people are becoming much more aware of satirical cartooning.
Courtesy, cartoonist, Jade R.
Thank you Jade for your artistic contributions.
Mesh News Desk is grateful to our advertisers. With 5,000 views a day- what are you waiting for?
Please visit the About Us page to learn more.
MND is NOT a legal referral service!
Litigation Coverage
Court coverage will continue.
Having covered five cases from the courtroom and two via Courtroom View Network (much thanks) certain themes are being repeated and we are seeing now more doctors being accused of medical malpractice for using mesh in the first place and not adequately informing their patients. Doctors have testified they simply did not know the dangers. What remains to be explored further are the autoimmune issues that mesh-implanted patients are developing post-implant. That cannot possibly just be a good coincidence.
The longer mesh makers wait - the more evidence amasses that life-long compensation will be required for those impacted by polypropylene mesh.
Your donations are appreciated to allow court coverage, even in the form of mileage for hotels and air. Also much appreciated are your thoughts shared with the website. For those wanting to donate - there is a GoFundMe page to contribute to journalism in the public interest. Indy journalism is a challenging road, to say the least, but the need is there, and I believe the support is as well. (Please if you are mesh injured and suffering financially as well, you do not need to contribute).
For those of you who asked, editorial assistant, Brewie was born with a compromised liver. It is smaller than normal and he has multiple infections and stuff in his blood that the liver normally filters out. It’s amazing how the body compensates with a compromised liver, and with meds, antibiotics and consulting through the incredible U. of Florida small animal department, we are hoping to keep his alpha male self around for at least another four years. (Why are alpha males 5 lb?)
Your emails are never shared unless you request. Providing your email may result in enrollment in the newsletter. Thank you all! Hang in there friends. A new year, renewed determination!
Jane Akre, Editor