The Your Turn Forum provides a space where people can post questions about mesh and medical device related issues and get advice and support from the Mesh News Desk community.
A lovely woman called me this afternoon. Her suggestion for a Friday effort and beyond!!
She can’t be identified but she says:
“The FDA is giving us an opportunity to speak and get mesh reclassified so more women will be less likely to innocently have it done to them. Doctors would be forced to give more information and companies would be forced to do testing for safety.”
“My friends and family see what mesh has done to me. They ask ‘Is there anything I can do for you?’ and I tell them YES!
"You do not have to be mesh-injured, you can be my friend, co-worker, church friend, relative, anyone who sees what has happened to others can weigh in….Please ask them to do so. That’s what you can do for me!”
Tell the FDA it should consider mesh for pelvic organ prolapse (POP) AND stress urinary incontinence (SUI) AND hernia mesh- it’s ALL POLYPROPYLENE. Tell the FDA to make it Class III- HIGH RISK, and tell them why. Tell them what you’ve seen in your friends and family. They see my life, they know what’s been done by this product” she says.
This lovely woman has encouraged at least 50 others to sign on.
Have you asked your friends and family and associates to DO SOMETHING FOR YOU? Have you entered you concerns to the FDA? It’s the only way they know. The door is opened- please walk through. The comment period ends July 30.
Without enough comments, it will not happen. Thank you for the Friday reminder lovely lady….