She is a reader of Mesh News Desk. She belongs to several Facebook groups started by mesh- injured women. “Suzy” must remain anonymous because she is represented by legal counsel.
Suzy is losing her home. Many women and men, disabled by their polypropylene pelvic and hernia mesh devices, have also lost their homes. Many more are in the process. Being unable to work will cause a cascading series of events that eventually end up with failed mortgage payments. Banks do not care.
In Suzy’s case, her home will soon be turned over to Chase, which is a major shareholder of Johnson & Johnson, maker of her pelvic mesh implant.
She could simply not make her mortgage payments on disability checks. And Chase would not qualify her for any program or work with her to re-modify her mortgage payments even though her home is worth less than she invested. Her law firm has been unable to help. In fact they will be first in line when/if she receives a settlement from Johnson & Johnson.
Her story is being echoed around the country - Thousands of dollars that might have kept her doors opened went to her medical care. “There are no standards for care in mainstream for mesh complications,” she complains. "Men and women are dying but not before being treated really horribly by mainstream medicine due to the lack of standards for complications."
"These patients are being tested and retested repeatedly to standards that do not apply. These patients are humiliated, belittled, drugged, ignored, dismissed, told they are crazy, thrown out of ER's begging for help, treated as drug seekers, repeated hospitalized without resolutions, they are metabolic messes in excruciating mind-blowing pain - that has the intensity of childbirth pain but is 24/7 with no relief in sight. They are flat out being treated less than human."
And there are only a handful of doctors worldwide that can actually help them.
Along the way, Suzy visited the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota to have the middle piece of her TVT-O removed. Altogether she’s had eleven surgeries, some exploratory just to find the mesh and many guided nerve blocks. She’s had over 80 tumor growths removed from an area around her pelvis where the mesh was. Dr. Hibner in Arizona removed about eight more inches of mesh within in the last ten months finally giving her some relief.
At this point, Suzy says her options are exhausted. Chase is just waiting for the Sheriff to throw her out of her home. She found out about the sale on the courtroom steps just days before it happened. She did everything the bank told her to do but the sale went through anyway. “They are dirty low down crooks,” she says about Chase.
Fall leaves
Suzy paid $335,000 for her home in 2004. She says back then it was a “dump” so she spent thousands cleaning and repairing it. She needed a home for her children.
Suzy worked in the medical field. She was able to invest a sizable $112,000 as a down payment. Then she got sick after a TVT-O implant. She says it became an issue immediately and she was paralyzed within eight months post-op. Currently her home’s value is $159,337 (after the hit in real estate values in 2008).
“Chase jerked me around from day one. They didn’t care I was sick and disabled. They threatened me, my kids, folks showed up at my door, parked in the driveway and constantly were coming and taking pictures."
Why … she doesn’t know. "There was constant submission of documents, phone calls, each person tells you something else at their office. You never get the same response twice.” Lately she is being passed around between what she calls the “Greedy-Tier (Chase/Seterus/Fannie Mae)”.
Suzy says Chase did a mortgage modification but it was $400 over her current mortgage she was already having trouble paying on disability. Chase has sent the policy to Seterus to decide how much she’d owe to keep her home. It was all over the board, first $135,000, then $351,000. Now Chase wants over $466,000, she says, for a house worth $159,337. She recently found out her mortgage was backed by Fannie Mae so she complained to them. She feels she should have qualified for something through them long ago. No entity would even help to relocate.
Leaving her homeless is like a death sentence, says Suzy. She suffers from Clarkson Syndrome, which is a stealth, autoimmune systemic shock-like condition she developed post-mesh. She has nowhere to go. Thanks to the foreclosure on her record, most landlords will not even show her an apartment let alone rent her one. And again no one seems to care.
Suzy would like others to be aware of what is happening all over the world and in mainstream medicine so that others may avoid the hell that she and her family has had to endure. She has no idea how she will break the news to her youngest. Her youngest will even have to give up her fur babies and has already lost out on so much over the last 5 years. Just breaks Suzy’s heart even more. Suzy says “The children of mesh have suffered and seen so much. No child should ever have to see that nor their parents in that condition."
Susy want’s everyone to know if any doctor offers you a blue polypropylene mesh, device, sling or tape or any reason do not walk away but rather RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!! All MESHES per the NIH’s own admission ARE NOT INERT. Some may just be worse than others.
*Postscript - Monday Suzy met with a judge. “He didn’t want to hear anything,” she tells MND. The judge did grant me ten extra days to get out of my home. I get to tell my daughter we’re homeless for her b-day. So tired of no one wanting to hear anything nor caring. I almost lost it in court. I told the chase lawyer she works for a horrible corporation and she laughed. So tired of this, thanks for listening. #
Consumer Affairs on Seterus
Seterus Reviews- a Total nightmare
JNJ Major shareholders