Story Corps Wants to Hear Your Story!

Jane Akre
August 8, 2018

Mesh Medical Device News Desk, August 8, 2018 ~ A campaign by the Bleeding Edge hosted by StoryCorps amasses real human testimonials about an issue of our time! Those stories will be archives in the Library of Congress.

The Core Principles of StoryCorp:

"Our mission is to preserve and share humanity’s stories in order to build connections between people and create a more just and compassionate world."

Image: California protest in front of hospital

You may have heard the StoryCorp segments on National Public Radio. In a non-confrontation way, it allows human from all different walks of life and different perspectives to connect with other humans, heart-to-heart. Read about the history of StoryCorps here.

tammy jackson from the bleeding edge

from: The Bleeding Edge

As part of the Peace Is Loud (PIL) campaign, which is promoting The Bleeding Edge documentary, it has recently launched a StoryCorps campaign for The Bleeding Edge, in hopes of having patients, activists, and doctors share their stories around medical device safety.

The campaign would collect said stories and offer an accessible way of sharing them among these communities. Further, they would be subsequently archived in the Library of Congress, allowing future research on the subject to draw from these personal experiences.

Since the release of the documentary, the Peace Is Loud campaign has been approached by many patients, survivors, who have been implanted with defective medical devices as well as activists hoping to share their accounts. The association allows many now to have a permanent voice to join in the medical device safety movement.

If you have been harmed by a medical device, or know someone who has, you are part of this movement! It is up to you to share your story so others learn and perhaps choose a different path!

PIL says: "We deeply believe in the power of the collective voice in enacting change in the industry!"

Add your voice to the medical device safety movement by sharing your story on @bleedingedgedoc StoryCorps campaign

Please share this link to whoever you know has been affected by a medical device, no matter what their story. This is an important chapter in patient health and safety and it is a great experiment that is NOT working for a large percentage of patients. It must change to accommodate all, not just create a "least burdensome" standard for medical devices to enter the marketplace, as is the current standard.

If you agree "It is broke," then it must be fixed. Your voice will help.

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