April 24, New Brunswick NJ
Tensions are beginning to get strained over the extremely long wait for justice for the mesh- injured.
Welcome to Mesh News Desk aka MMDND your source for all news mesh-related. Much is happening at this time but much of it is behind the scenes. Take for example, the recent announcement that Endo/AMS had decided to settle about 20,000 cases with an $830 million offer. Women and their families are told to be patient and sit tight and wait for a letter from their law firm. Sometime in June the first letters should go out to clients and we will stay on top of what the offerings are. Hopefully readers have their client contracts and are making sure they are kept appraised according to the language of the contract, which prevails.
Contributors are always welcome to MND even to post anonymously. Please don't be shy to share your thoughts and feelings. And I could use some analysis of documents entered in the cases that have been tried. Let me know your interest in producing a story, even bullet points and I'll send them along to you. There is just too much for one person to do alone!
June is a great month to dedicate to doctors as well. Many readers are aware of a recent emergency room debacle with one friend of MND. She was turned away from several emergency rooms even though she was showing signs of sepsis. Unfortunately she is not alone. Doctors seem to continue to be appallingly ignorant of the scope of mesh complications. June is a good month to review what is known and shine some much-needed light on the doctors who use their professional associations to justify their continued head-in-the sand approach to mesh injuries.
Case in point, your editor had dinner this weekend with a doctor who said something like “Yeah, they will have complications until they get a settlement.” Whoops, wrong person to say that to! He received an immediate and firm talking to and he concluded he could be wrong.
Smart women are finding ways to start conversations, print cards that say No Mesh. One reader brought information to a public “Learn About Incontinence” session that was hosted by a doctor looking to wrangle some new patients. She brought with her:
The Ten Myths Women are Told About Surgical Mesh
As well as the July 2011 FDA warning:
She handed them out to those women in attendance just so they could have another perspective and she did it respectfully and graciously. Congratulations C.R. for taking things in your own hand!
So women are losing patience and it is understandable. The letters to the Attorney Generals of many states is a campaign that continues to let them know there is enough information there that needs to be investigation concerning one prominent mesh maker and your support of those letters is important. I’m working with CAN on that effort so stay tuned and thank you for your contributions to keep the lights on.
Please add your comments to the reclassification of mesh from moderate risk to high-risk. The comment period is up at the end of July and you need to be heard about all types of mesh injuries since they are for the most part polypropylene. Weigh into the Federal Register here.
The information contained on these pages is not intended to substitute for advice from your legal or medical professionals. Any advertisers be forewarned that a firewall exists between advertising and editorial content. Advertising is welcome.
This site follows the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) Code of Ethics and tries to minimize any harm to an individual.
As always, Bruce Rosenberg is available to discuss your hernia injuries. Not a doctor or a lawyer, Bruce is hernia mesh-injured and has formed The National Meshoma Foundation. His purpose is education…please contact him for information and be patient because he is overwhelmed with the mesh-injured community. brosenberg1@bellsouth.net. 954-701-5094.